Monday, August 17, 2009

Jude Harrison Myers

He has arrived! In this corner, weighing in at a lean 7lbs. 4oz and 19.5 inches's Jude Harrison Myers. Sweet Jude arrived at 6:35 a.m. on Wednesday, August 12th, 2009. He has a ton of brown hair and baby blue eyes, which I believe is the color of most babies' eyes.

What can we say? He is amazing! We love him so much. I don't think we can love anything else as much as we love him.

Jude's facial expressions are priceless. At one point he looks concerned then surprised then confused then gassy. The main thing to realize is that he looks just like his Mommy (except for the nose...that button nose is all Daddy).

So far he has given both Mommy and Daddy a golden shower of pee. He somehow knows how to hit your cratch with his pee. I'm not upset...I'm impressed! I'm not going to lie to's quite warm and surprising when he does it. Baptism by urine is something all parents of baby boys get to experience. Thanks, Jude!

Other than that he eats, sleeps, and poops. But when his eyes are open and looking around it is fun to show him everything. His neck, legs, and arms are strong. He is able to lift his head off of your shoulder. Wild, huh? I'm convinced Erin gave birth to a superhero.

Stay tuned to more news about Jude. We will have plenty to share.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see him with his eyes open!
