Saturday, August 29, 2009

Crazy Times!

I'm not quite sure how this happened, but it happened.

Erin told me a story about what happened with Jude when I got home from work the other day. I'm guessing you know where this might be going. If it involves a baby it involves sleeping, eating, or pooping.

As Erin was changing Jude's diaper he decided to have another projectile poop. Only this time it launched so hard and so fast that parts of his fecal matter landed on Erin's neck, hair and MOUTH!!! It was all she could do to not leave him on the changing table to clean up. So she got his diaper on him and laid him in the crib. She then ran to the bathroom to clean up the face waste.

He is a cutie. Erin would tell you at that point she was not too pleased with him. But you just can't get upset with him. It's impossible. We love him so much! It doesn't matter where his poo lands. No matter what happens we will be sure to share it with his first date he brings by to meet his crazy parents.

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