Dance, Dance, Dance...Dancing Machine.
Jude likes to slap his belly when he dances. Daddy joins in. This is obviously either hilarious to him or confusing...or both. It depends on the day. There is nothing like living in the moment.
Jude is a dancing machine. If anyone has ever had the chance of seeing Jude dance then you have seen the ultimate boogy-woogy-woogy. Simply Marvelous! These days it doesn't even take music for him to dance. He shakes his groove thing to snaps and claps.
Apparently, Jude is a party animal. This Sunday marks the day of his being 13th months old. At Jude's 1 year old birthday he was able to get his grub on with a delicious cup cake. His mommy did such and amazing job on those tasty morsels.
I noticed, today, how Jude's face is changing. He is growing up, and doing it way too fast. There are roughly 6 teeth showing in Jude's repertoire of chompers. Oh, and he likes to bight you if you hold him long enough. He doesn't do it to harm you. I wonder where he gets it from? (sound of a throat clearing)
Things are moving pretty fast. Jude is pretty much on whole milk only. Erin has found that she has more time during the day to do what she has to do to take care of Jude. Erin has joined a group at church called Mothers And Pre-Schoolers or M.A.P.S. At first I thought she said MADD. I thought it was a little too soon to get involved with that organization. Then she told me to stop being silly and to call it what it really is. Jude gets to play with other kids once a week and Erin gets to have adult conversations...errr uhhhh...conversations with adults. You know what I mean.
It's a fantastic time in the Myers' household. And in case you were wondering the cats are surviving the Jude slaps. We are constantly telling him to be nice to the kitties. He is starting to figure it out. But I can see where he is coming from. Slapping Napoleon's fat, furiness is like slapping a pig. Slap the belly and watch the wave of jelly.
No matter what new thing Jude gets into or learns he takes it in stride. Life moves pretty fast for Jude Harrison Myers. It matters not. The Jude abides.